Easy Home Equity Loans

100% Home Equity Line of Credit

The zero lender fee cost home equity line of credit is one of the most unique loans offered anywhere. If you have lived in your home for more than 6 months and developed some equity you can borrow up to 100% of your homes value at a zero origination cost from our lender. This means your 1st mortgage balance plus the amount of the line of credit can equal up to 100% of your homes appraised value. The loan term is for 30 years with a 10 year draw period and a 20 year repayment period. The best part is you can borrow up to $300,000 and there is no prepayment penalty if you pay the loan off early.

To pre-qualify for the Zero Cost HELOC please go to our simple online application and we will contact you shortly with a pre-approval.

Quick Loan Overview and Guidelines
 - 30 Year Period (10 Years Draw / 20 Years Payback)
 - Variable Interest Rate Loan (Fixed Rate Home Equity Loans)
 - Cannot be behind a Negative Amortizing 1st Mortgage
 - No Bankruptcy's in the last 36 Months

Is this not the loan you are looking for?
 - New Homeowner Home Equity Line of Credit
 - No Income Verification Equity Line
 - Bad Credit Home Equity Loan

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