Selling your home can be a stressful undertaking that necessitates a considerable amount of expertise and patience. Most people eventually learn that, when dealing with some of life’s larger issues, it is best to seek the advice of professionals. For example, if you were experiencing health concerns, you would consult a physician. If your house needed rewiring, you would seek out an electrician. Selling your house is really no different. A professional, experienced realtor has the knowledge you can use to your advantage to gain the most from your sale. Another huge benefit is that your agent will only present you with qualified buyers. In our fast-paced world, time is precious, and yours won’t be wasted on useless prospects.
When selecting a physician, you would most likely exercise a certain amount of caution and discretion. You should do the same when choosing your realtor. Don’t be manipulated into the common mistake of choosing a friend or relative. If things don’t go as smoothly as you hoped, you will be faced with the prospect of ‘firing’ someone you like. It is also important to note that, while some agents charge less commission than others, you usually get what you pay for. Select an agent with a strong sales record and ask for references from their most recent sales. A few minutes on the phone speaking with an agent’s past clients could keep you from making a critical mistake. (more…)